Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Udemy says interest in Android, iOS app development skyrocketed after I/O and WWDC 2015

As Google and Apple have developer conferences on the horizon, app development is at the forefront. According to Udemy, interest has never been higher; it notes enrollment upticks for both its iOS and Android development courses.

On the Android side, Udemy says it has seen 925,000 enrollments all time, in over 300 courses. Since Google I/O last year, there has been a 68 percent rise in people wanting to learn how to build apps.

For iOS, Udemy has over one million enrollments to its 400 courses, and a 59 percent increase since WWDC of last year.

Part of the increased interest in iOS may be enterprise. Apple’s partnership with SAP “has the potential to attract millions of enterprise app developers to the platform” says Apigee’s Greg Brail, who also says SAP’s API security will help encourage more developers to use them.

With I/O happening this week, expect the synergy around app development to be heavier than ever, with learning platforms like Udemy, Treehouse and Udacity reaping the benefits.

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Udemy says interest in Android, iOS app development skyrocketed after I/O and WWDC 2015
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