Thursday, May 12, 2016

Weight Exercises for Women

Exercise is very essential for an individual to keep fit. Be it women, children or elders, doing exercises specially based on age and strength is sure to keep you physically and mentally sound and tension free. Besides, it also helps in relaxation of the body muscles. So, if you want to know about weight exercises for women, read on. Here are some of the weight exercise tips for women.

Weight Exercises for Women

Regular weight exercise for women is essential as it protects them from different diseases like heart disease, stroke, hypertension, blood pressure, sugar, back pain, osteoporosis and many other diseases. Experts, doctors and weight trainers recommend that one should do at least around thirty to forty minutes of exercise. There are different kinds of weight exercises that focus on each body part like upper body, middle body and lower body. For women, generally the problem area is middle portion. They can tone their abs and surrounding muscles with different exercises designed for abs. The upper body like chest, biceps and triceps also need to be toned. Besides, pelvic exercises are also very helpful.

Aerobic exercise is very beneficial for women. It is one of the most common and loved weight exercises for women. It increases the metabolic rate and strengthens the heart and lungs. There are so many options for doing the aerobics. Either you can join aerobic classes or perform an hour dance at the comfort of your room. These days, many gymnasiums have come up with aerobic options along with the regular fitness regime. The fitness regime include cardiovascular i.e. warming up, actual workout and weight training that helps in body firmness and toning. Also, women also do weight training immediately after aerobics. However, the same set of exercises should not be repeated on a daily basis. A single day’s rest is very essential for the repair of the muscles.

Another weight exercises for women are spot jogging, walking and running. These are also good for women to avoid weight gain. If women and girls want to build muscles, then they can go for weight training. Besides, they could also go for running, biking and cycling either on field or at home. These exercises are good workouts for women. Doing household chores is also a good form of workout. According to experts, doing cleaning, sweeping, dusting and other work will help them to lose as many calories as compared to other workouts that people do at home.

In fact, for some of the women like housewives, visiting a gym daily for workout is very difficult. Hence, they can do a lot of exercises at home which would be beneficial. For them, losing weight at the comfort of home is easy.

So, learn about different weight exercises for women that are beneficial and help to tone the body. Besides, it also balances the weight and keeps them in good shape. Moreover, physical exercise keeps mind fit. Therefore, one must schedule his day in such a way as to keep time for exercise.

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