Thursday, May 12, 2016

Have Baby Will Travel

Traveling with a baby can be extremely daunting, especially for new parents. Babies may be small, but they certainly require a lot of gear. Here are some tips to make traveling with baby easy and stress-free, for you and your little one.

Have Baby Will Travel

For starters, if you feed with formula, you want to make sure that you have a way to warm up the bottles in your vehicle. There are many products for this out there. Be sure to pack enough formula, water and bottles. Obviously, if you breastfeed, then you don’t have to pack anything extra. Do plan on making stops along the way when your baby gets hungry. Of course these stops are good for the other children and adults, too. And remember breastfeeding moms to take into account you can become dehydrated, so be sure to have plenty of water on hand for you.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start your trip about the time your baby would be napping. Preferable the longest nap of the day. So many babies find the car’s motion soothin and may even take a longer nap when traveling. Also, consider having one parent sit in the back set, unless the baby has an older sibling or another adult along for the ride. So many babies are fussy, and many times it’s because they are lonely and bored. Having someone to play with or look at keeps the baby entertained.

There’s no getting around this one – traveling with baby will just take longer. You’ll stop many more times then before, so you need to plan for this ahead of time. If you are calm, your baby will be as well. You will want to research before hand to be sure you know where the rest stops and highway exits are so you know where you can pull over safely.

Be sure your child is properly restrained in a car seat and is comfortable. Dress the baby in layers for easy changing when needed to adjust to the cars temperature. Bring a few extra blankets, some lightweight, some heavier, for comfort as well. And you should also think about bringing toys and music for the baby to keep them entertained, as well.

Lastly, keep in mind that some infants don’t like to ride inthe dark. If you’re driving at night and the baby is awake, try to turn on the backseat map light, if one is available. Or perhaps you have a toy that glows or lights up. Some times, this may be all you need to help calm a fussy baby and make them happy, eventually soothing them to sleep.

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Have Baby Will Travel
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